
Jquery Make My Backend Joomla Miserable

You try to install Jquery @ backend of joomla and discover that your drop down menu is not working. Sadly, they used Mootools as Javascript framework. When you linking your javascript, sadly, browser will use jquery as joomla default javascript framework and that why your drop down menu is not working. To solve this, I have a work around which you still can jquery and mootools is the default of javascript framework.

Listen to the code below:

           jQuery("#report tr:even").addClass("even");
           jQuery("#report tr:not(.even)").hide();
jQuery.noConflict() told the browser to stop Jquery aliasing $('xxx'), which allow other javascript framework to used this alias. Since we cannot used the term dollar sign $-) anymore, we need to used JQuery("xxx").yourJqueryFunction(). Please try...

2 ulasan:

  1. to replace the $ symbol you can always use below function:
    var jq = jQuery.noConflict();
    // do whatever things u want


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